Styrofoam balls
Mod Podge or spray adhesive
Faux craft pearl strand
Boredom inspired this fun project. I was sitting in my kitchen while my hubby, a new teacher, was at his first parent teacher conferences. I looked in the bag of craft supplies my mom sent home with me. I had everything I needed to make these! I would recommend using white styrofoam balls... mine were green and were very tough to cover. Overall, they were a super cute way to prepare for Christmas. I do recommend wearing rubber gloves to prevent your hands from looking like an extra ornament.
1. Cover styrofoam ball with mod podge.
2. With a newspaper underneath, sprinkle glitter of choice over entire ball. Let dry.
3. Cut pearl strand to make a loop to hang your ornament.
4. Push the ends of the pearl strand so one pearl on each end is pressed into the styrofoam. Cover the pearl with glue.
5. Sprinkle glitter over glued pearl.
6. Let dry completely before hanging.
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